Operation Stop CPS-Voices Of The Unheard

Operation Stop CPS-Voices Of The Unheard Episode 2

Operation Stop CPS Season 1 Episode 2

Welcome back to all those who are ready to see change in this world. On this episode of Operation Stop CPS's Podcast Series: Voices of the Unheard, Amanda and Tafarrah take listeners into the courtroom of Judge Libby Messer. On June 16, 2021 Judge Messer, a Family Court Judge in Lexington Kentucky, overruled Ms. Sellers motion to dismiss the petition granting Kentucky CPS custody of her child. The Judge overuled Ms. Sellers motion without requiring CPS to provide any evidence to support the continued separation of this newborn from his mother. It sounds unbelievable but it is the reality Ms. Sellers and millions of other families are forced to live with because the unchecked power of the United States Child Protection System.

As you listen to this podcast, ask yourself, if this was you, would you feel as if you were being heard on the deprivation of your rights to your own children?

Follow Operation Stop CPS on Facebook and Instagram to engage deeper in this much needed conversation. We are the people with the power to check and balance this powerful and oppressive system.

Learn More about Operation Stop CPS's  mission to put an end to the "system" of Child Protection while magnifying the voices of the Unheard: Families. Purchase a copy of the Respond in Power Guide: A Parent and Caretaker Guide to the Child Protection System to ensure you understand how the  Child Protection System works and how to Respond in Power.

Support Ms. Sellers Legal Defense Fund: Ms. Sellers is in the fight of her life as she fights for her right to be heard in court. Ms. Sellers has to be prepared to Respond in Power so her newborn baby can be returned to her expeditiously. Contribute to Ms. Sellers  legal defense fund today. Share Ms. Sellers story with your friends and family. 

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