Operation Stop CPS-Voices Of The Unheard

Why is Zephaniah in Kentucky CPS Custody?

Operation Stop CPS Season 1 Episode 5

Welcome back to all those who are ready to see change in this world. On this episode of Operation Stop CPS’s Podcast Series: The Voices of the Unheard, Amanda and Tafarrah catch listeners up on Ms. Sellers and Zephaniah experience with the Kentucky Child Protection System. Zephaniah was ripped from Ms. Seller's hands at only 2 days old without a LAWFUL REASON. 

Ms. Sellers will have multiple conversations for change this week in her quest for truth and justice. Ms. Sellers is demanding the return of Zephaniah to her care immediately. Ms. Sellers is demanding the dismissal of this fabricated petition that granted Fayette County Cabinet For Family and Children Services custody of her child. 

On August 13, 2021, Kentucky Child Protection System will have to prove that Ms. Sellers abused and neglected Zephaniah on May 19, 2021, during a full evidentiary. Listen to Ms. Sellers tell her history from her admission to Baptist Hospital Lexington to her discharge from Baptist Hospital Lexington after she gave birth to Zephaniah without complications. While you listen to this mother's pain, ask yourself, “Why does Kentucky CPS have custody of Zephaniah?” 

It is time to restore justice. #BringZephaniahHome

Learn More About Ms. Sellers Story

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